Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Electoral College.... Watch this....

I found this on Wikipedia today. Thought you might like to read it. Watch what happens tonight through Dec. 13th the the electoral college meets.

"Discourages turnout and participation

Except in the few closely fought swing states, it does not matter how many people turn out to vote. The Electoral College eliminates any advantage to a political party or campaign for encouraging voters to turn out, except in those swing states. If the presidential election were decided by a national popular vote, in contrast, campaigns and parties would have a strong incentive to work to increase turnout everywhere. Individuals would similarly have a strong incentive to persuade their friends and neighbors to turn out to vote. The differences in turnout between swing states and non-swing states under the current electoral college system suggest that replacing the Electoral College with direct election by popular vote would likely increase turnout and participation very significantly."

It happened in 2000 Bush vs Gore and it could happen again. Let's pray that the College listens to the people this time around.

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