Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Runner's Prayer

It's been a while since I wrote anything in my blog - lot's been happening. But a friend of mine, who's a runner and has been struggling with some issues, came to mind this morning. I'd read the following prayer back in High School when I ran track - Even kept a copy of the prayer in my wallet for a while. For those of us who run the rat race everyday, whether at work, school or on the hard asphalt, this prayer is for you. Enjoy - ~=C

A Runner's Prayer

Our Father,

Accept our gratitude for the opportunity to participate in this contest and in the larger race of life. We accept with thankfulness the wholeness and well being which running contributes to our living. As running brings pleasure to our lives so may our efforts on this day bring pleasure to you, our Creator.

We give thanks for physical bodies wonderfully made. Help us to exercise good stewardship of the health, energy, and clarity of mind provided for our use. Bless our efforts in training to develop these gifts to their full potential.

Give us the strength to endure and the passion to persevere. Protect us from injury and illness. May we possess courage and character in adequate supply to meet the challenge before us.

Grant each of us the integrity to do our best in the quest to finish well. We can do no more and desire no less.

Thank you for the sense of community created by our common commitment to run. As we seek to realize personal goals help us to also celebrate the accomplishments of others. Grant that we may find joy not only in competition but also in the privilege of running together.

Remind us on this day and through all of life that we never run alone.


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